2024 Pledge Form

Your pledge of financial support is needed for the Vestry to develop a realistic budget for next year. Please prayerfully consider your support of St. James.

 Stewardship 2024

As we Parishioners explore new horizons on what our church can be and new things it can become, we are eager to explore the full meaning of Stewardship for our StJames Family.

Stewardship, quite simply, is recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful for and generous with those gifts. God reveals His perfect and infinite love for us most visibly in His Son, Jesus Christ. A steward makes God's love visible by imitating Jesus.

The core of stewardship is gratitude/thankfulness - be it your time, your talent, or your treasure. Each of these are gifts from God, and to acknowledge that fact, we give back to God a portion by way of saying "thanks."

Stewardship is made up of your time, talent, treasure, prayers, and presence. 

Why Pledge?

Your pledge of financial support is needed for the Vestry to develop a realistic budget for next year. Please prayerfully consider your support of StJames. Click below to fill out your 2024 pledge form directly on Realm. Please contact the church office with any questions: communications@stjamesmarietta.com.

2024 Pledge Form
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